As a mom to two young boys, a Special Education Teacher, a Behavioral Consultant for families and teachers of children with and without Special Needs, and a Gentle Sleep Coach, I have worked with hundreds of families to improve positive behavior, and in turn, improve family life overall. I believe that the more mindful, purposeful and deliberate we can be in both planning proactively and responding reactively to our kids, the happier everyone is.
Families I work with report a strong sense of comfort once they have a plan of how to organize and live full, quality lives together. As a family. Integrating children's needs within a family structure is a cornerstone of my service.
Of utmost importance to me as a Coach is listening to parents' and children’s needs, listening to the family goals parents describe, and sharing specific, actionable strategies to start using immediately. The real work starts when families begin to use the strategies and we have ongoing discussions through emails and phone calls to support, troubleshoot and celebrate success along the way.
I do not believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach to working with families. I believe in finding the best fit for the family, and working alongside the family to help make their version of "ideal" happen for them. My work is not about applying MY version of ideal to each family. Rather, I see my job as helping families define and work toward THEIR ideal family life.
I am a natural problem-solver. I utilize my extensive knowledge of education, behavior and sleep to help caregivers create their own personal best family life. Many families feel they are too negative and punitive with their children, and they are looking for more positive, effective long-term strategies in their parenting. Many other families I work with feel as though their children simply don't listen to them, no matter what approach they use. My job is to listen to what has worked, and not worked, before, and work with families to create a PLAN to move forward in a way that increases positive behavior, and thus, a happier family life.
“Katie took time to understand our family and our challenges, then gave practical we-can-actually-do-this strategies that worked. I was afraid of big to-do lists and overwhelming suggestions, but Katie made it real. Sibling squabbles are less frequent, meals are enjoyable, bedtime is even automatic. At every step she has been supportive, never judging, and managed to prioritize the kids’ best interests as well as me and my husband’s sanity. It’s such a relief to have her as a family resource. We can be honest about our parenting frustrations knowing Katie sees herself as part of our team and will help us figure out the best way for our family to enjoy each other and thrive.
you feel you have tried everything to bring fun and harmony to your family, and nothing works ;
you feel there is something missing in your child's skills, but you don't know what, and don't know what to do to help;
your children do not listen to you, no matter what you try;
you don't know how to match your parenting philosophy to your actual life (i.e.: logistics, personalities and life's daily complications get in the way); and/or
You find your relationship with your children and your partner suffering.
When you sign up for family coaching, you will receive an online questionnaire to share details about your needs and concerns. Your responses to this questionnaire will help me organize strategies and ideas for our Family Plan. I may also request videos to review (we will discuss this together).
We will meet for 60 minutes at your scheduled time (you schedule this upon booking the coaching package service) at your home or online. We will discuss your concerns and needs and I will ask lots of specific questions to understand the logistics of your daily life and what your goals are. I will begin to introduce some general strategies and ideas of how to understand behavior.
We will meet for a second 60-minute meeting with the goal of creating an individualized plan aimed at creating a more positive family life.
At the end of our second meeting, we will schedule the first of up to 6 follow-up phone calls so that we can check in on progress and troubleshoot strategies as needed.
The Coaching package includes unlimited email support from me so that you can ask any questions along the way. This email support is ongoing for one month following our initial consultation meeting, and I respond in 3-5 hours between 7am and 7pm ET daily.